
Software Engineer
Nov 2015 - Present
Steele Third-Party Automation (Securimate)
Austin, TX

Working on teams to refactor existing code, solve issues/problems, implement enhancements and new features, etc. Moving teams from outdated waterfall development processes to tight Agile Scrum cycles with up to date technologies.

Associate Software Engineer
Jul 2013 - Oct 2015
True Impact Media (AdBucket)
Austin, TX

Designing and implementing algorithms to create efficient, and mostly automated, valuation systems, designing and developing visualizations tools using big data sets, and intuitive yet informative admin management tools for a new advertising platform to disrupt the outdoor advertising industry using Yii 2.0 Framework, JavaScript libraries, and CSS.

Web Development Intern
Nov 2012 - May 2013
Tag New Media
Burlington, VT

Helped develop and maintain websites using Zend Framework. Coded Python scripts to compile and analyze large amounts of company financial data and display resulting information in a meaningful ways including helpful visuals.

Web Developer and Software Engineer
May 2012 - Aug 2012
eBusiness Unit at Competitive Computing
Colchester, VT

Worked on projects such as migrating the company's Time Tracking System (TTS) from ASP .NET to Microsoft MVC 4 using HTML and JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and Backbone.js. Maintained and provided support for C# and Visual Basic desktop applications.

Web Development Intern
Jan 2012 - May 2012
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT

Developed secure websites for professors to organize course work and grades for students. Students had the ability to log into the site to view and download assignments and handouts for the courses they are taking and view their grades for each class broken down per assignment, test, and exam.

Computer Science, Mathematics & Physics Tutor
Jan 2010 - May 2012
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT

Assisted students learning math, science, and computer science with individualized strategies based on how each individual student learned and retained information.


Hack4Austin (hackathon)
Austin, TX

A webapp that can act as a content management system for educational games to help teachers teach students.

Oct 2012
HackVT (hackathon)
Burlington, VT

An open data webapp that pulled in weather, farmstand location and recipie data to let you select ingredients, find out who was selling them, where they were freshest, and finally let you search recipes containing those ingredients.


Further Educational
Feb 2014 - Present
Computer Science Courses
B.S. in Computer Science, minor in Mathematics
2009 - 2013
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT
Computer Science Classes
  • Computer Programming I
  • Computer Programming II
  • Puzzles, Games & Algorithms
  • Programming II Java
  • Computer Organization
  • Technical Talks in Computing
  • Discrete Structures
  • Programming Languages
  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Introduction: WWW Design
  • Computer Networks
  • Evolutionary Robotics
  • Algorithm Design & Analysis
  • Network Security & Cryptography
  • Database Design for the Web
  • Operating Systems
  • Database Systems
  • Integrative Computing
  • Senior Seminar
  • Advanced Web Design
  • Probability Models & Inference
  • Machine Learning
Mathematics Classes
  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Calculus III
  • Probability & Statistics for Computer Scientists
  • Linear Algebra
  • Basic Combinatorial Theory
  • Groups and Rings
  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honors Society (U.P.E.)
  • Computer Science Club (C.S. Crew)
  • Computer Science Student Association (C.S.S.A.)